Marjoliecrea boutique
Petite histoire sur la créatrice et la boutique/ Little story about the creator and the shop:
- Marjorie a 29 ans et est maman d'un petit garçon de 16 mois a ouvert en février
2017 sa boutique en ligne: Marjoliecrea. C'est une boutique d'accessoires pour
bébés avec des hochets, anneaux de dentition, des attaches-tétine, des
attaches-doudou et des colliers d'allaitement fait main.
Elle aime créer des choses avec ses mains (décoration de son mariage, faire-
part, scrap-booking, réalisation de bougies et de savons) et aime les
nouveaux challenges.
Quand son fils est né, elle a cherché se qu'elle pouvait lui apporter et
quand il a commencé à souffrir des dents,elle a trouvé dans un premier temps des petits animaux en bois. Elle a eu ensuite l'idée de les monter en hochet. Quelques mois ont passé avant qu'elle
ne les commercialise. Ayant déjà acheté a des créateurs sur A Little Market
elle a donc décidé de se lancer sa boutique sur leur site cette année en toute confiance.
Le nom de sa boutique Marjoliecrea vient de la contraction de 3 mots: marjo
de Marjorie sont prénom, jolie et créa de création.
- Marjorie is 29 years old and is mother of one little boy of 16 months, she opened in febuary 2017 a shop online: Marjoliecrea. This is a babies accessories shop, you can find rattles, teething ring, pacifier-clips, comforter-clips and breastfeeding collar hand made.
She likes ceate things with her hands (wedding decorations, wedding and birth announcement, scrap-booking, candles and soaps creation) and she likes new challenges.
When her son was born, she searched what she could bring to him and it's when the teething pain arrived, she found little wood animals, and after she thinking about create rattle with this little animals. A few months passed before she marketed them. And she chose to open with confidence her shop on A little Market, after having already bought from creators on this site.
The shop name from of the contraction of 3 words: marjo for Marjorie her name, jolie (beautiful in french) et créa for creation.
She likes ceate things with her hands (wedding decorations, wedding and birth announcement, scrap-booking, candles and soaps creation) and she likes new challenges.
When her son was born, she searched what she could bring to him and it's when the teething pain arrived, she found little wood animals, and after she thinking about create rattle with this little animals. A few months passed before she marketed them. And she chose to open with confidence her shop on A little Market, after having already bought from creators on this site.
The shop name from of the contraction of 3 words: marjo for Marjorie her name, jolie (beautiful in french) et créa for creation.
Que dire sur ce petit hochet/ What say about this little rattle:
- Tout d'abord, elle utilise des matériaux sains pour les bébés sans agents
nocifs (Nickel, Cadmium, Plomb, Bisphenol, BPA, Phtalate). Les animaux sont en bois (hêtre) et les perles sont en silicone alimentaire que les bébés peuvent facilement mettre à la bouche. Il se lave facilement avec de l'eau et du savon.
Et lors de l'achat vous pouvez
customiser votre hochet (et même les autres produits), vous pouvez choisir la
ou les couleurs et le petit animal. Pour les portes-doudou et tétine vous pouvez
ajouter le nom de bébé.
- First thing, she uses healthy materials for babies, without harmful products (Nickel, Cadmium, Plomb, Bisphenol, BPA, Phtalate). The animals are in wood (beech) and the pearl are in food silicone which babies can easily put in the mouth. You can wash it with just soap and water.
Second thing, when you purchase you can customize the rattle (and all the accessories), you can choose the colors and the animals. For the pacifier-clips and the comforter-clips it's possible add the baby's name.

- First thing, she uses healthy materials for babies, without harmful products (Nickel, Cadmium, Plomb, Bisphenol, BPA, Phtalate). The animals are in wood (beech) and the pearl are in food silicone which babies can easily put in the mouth. You can wash it with just soap and water.
Second thing, when you purchase you can customize the rattle (and all the accessories), you can choose the colors and the animals. For the pacifier-clips and the comforter-clips it's possible add the baby's name.
Mon avis/ My opinion:
- J'ai été agréablement surprise par la matière des perles en silicone, elle
sont douces et souples. Les bébés peuvent facilement le prendre en main et le
mettre à la bouche, les perles ne sont pas trop grosses. Les couleurs sont superbe et bien assorties, elles attirent
l'oeil de bébé. Pour le prix, il faut compter 12 euros pour un hochet ce qui est
vraiment raisonnable pour un produit de qualité et sain pour le bébé. Un jolie
cadeau a faire à bébé!
- I was pleasantly surprise by the matter of the silicone pearls, it's soft. Babies can easily take it in their hands and in their mouth,pearls aren't too big. The colors are superb and well matched, attract babies eyes. For the price, the rattle cost 12 euros, it's a good price for healthy product with a good quality. A beautiful gift for baby!
- I was pleasantly surprise by the matter of the silicone pearls, it's soft. Babies can easily take it in their hands and in their mouth,pearls aren't too big. The colors are superb and well matched, attract babies eyes. For the price, the rattle cost 12 euros, it's a good price for healthy product with a good quality. A beautiful gift for baby!
Instagram: @marjoliecrea ,
Boutique en ligne :
Don't hesitate to go on her Instagram and on her online shop for see all her superb creations.
Instagram: @marjoliecrea ,
Online shop:
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